Hello everyone! I must apologize for my prolonged absence and offer a brief explanation.

  1. My family moved
  2. I started online college

Yep, moved again. All the way across the country. So while history might be a little harder to dig up than in Massachusetts, dig it up I will. (I’ll still have some backlogged posts from MA for a bit though.)

And college! Challenging and satisfying, but a lot of writing. I finished up finals last week, so I’m officially 1/8 of the way through college. XP

Put those together, and my blog sadly fell to the side. However! Over winter break I’m going to start things up again and aim to keep the posts coming through the spring semester. So posts will be coming very soon.

I’m looking forward to the great times ahead! Enjoy the holidays!

In the meantime, feel free to browse the archives:)